Sunday, November 09, 2008

Goodlife is great

wow it's been like almost 2 years since I wrote on my blog. Not like anyone reads it.

I have been going to Goodlife for almost two years now and I just recently started doing core training excercises as well as doing excercises that focus on the biggest muscle -- the legs. Hopefully i'll start gaining weight again. Goal : 170 lbs

We shall see. Hopefully i'll remember to update my blog before two years is up.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Funny conversations :)

Nikki: so how do we get to the subway?
Pat: lemme ask this (ttc) street car driver. One sec.... Excuse me but does this street car go to the ttc?

Driver: This is the ttc (smirk)

Student: I had a dream and you were in it.
Me: Really? What was I doing?
Student: we were on a date :) I was sooo happy but then i woke up.
Me: Really? Did I speak Korean?
Student: No, we spoke English. I actually had perfect English.
Me: Really? thats so cool. What kind of date was this?
Student: we were having dinner and then I spoke Korean and you yelled at me :S

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Theory of the skinny celebrity

MERRY Christmas and a happy new year :) it's finally the holiday season and it's so wonderful to just celebrate the birth of Christ and just be with friends and family.
I just went to my christmas dinner yesterday and now i know why many celebrities and rich people stay so skinny. Nice and fancy restuarants always serve such expensive food. but it's such a small portion.
So it got me thinking, if that were the case, then i rather be a poor man eating a big cheap dinner. And the great thing is i'll still stay skinny. Yes i am the best.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

What a week

This has been such an eventful week. It seems like it's been 3 weeks already, but it's only been 4 days.
I got 2 parking tickets in a row by parking at utm illegally, they never gave tickets on the weekends and after 7pm before :(
And then i got to go to my first leafs game!! so sweet they won. The next day was halloween... i actually dressed up this year... i havent done so since university. Well it will be a nice end to the week spending time with some new friends of mine. Should be fun.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

God is good

God is good. He is so good to me :)

My life is complete with you. I am so happy with you around. I can fully depend on you. What ever problem, whenever I feel lost, when I feel sad you were there.
When i'm happy, when i'm laughing, when i wake up, I think of you.

Thank you Jesus.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Salsa is fun

first time going to a salsa club. it was pretty fun and I learned more moves to add to my existing moves. :)
and the parking was free too :)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Aww the students love me :)

We made a survey for all the students to fill out to see how the office staff and SEC was.

One particular question was:
In your opinion how is the staff at SEC:
a)friendly b)neutral c)horrible

Student's answer: C =horrible (but Jonathan is good)

muahahahahaha i rule the world.